Humans are infested with demon influence. Even humans who attend church regularly fall under the power of Satan’s messengers. Demons get away with infiltrating your mind because YOU DON’T KNOW HOW TO SPOT THEM. Demon Spotting is a quiet act of rebellion against the dark forces operating in the 2nd Heaven.
Cornerman Angels are assigned to you
My name is DramaGuru and I’m a Cornerman Angel.
Cornerman Angels are assigned to each of you. Unfortunately, most of you ignore us because where your discipline is weak, the demons control your mind.
Some of you have grown dependent on the attention you get from your demons. But the truth is, no demon is your friend. They whisper sweetly, pretending to be your confidant. ACTUALLY, THEY HATE YOU.
Infiltration of religion
When Jesus (the Helper) came to set the captives free from 2nd Heaven oppression, his chief opponents were religious leaders. Their rules and laws created obstacles between people and God. No one could follow all of the rules. So people gave up trying to please God. Instead, they worked to please the leaders who enforced the rules.
That led to a culture of belonging and not belonging.
Demons infiltrated minds and caused people to divide into groups. Demons led campaigns to divide and conquer God’s people, saying things like, “These people can worship with you, but not those people. Tell them to go somewhere else! Inform them that they need to find the right fit for their type of sin, their personality, their level of income, etc. Let them know that they are not wanted here!”
It’s time to shift this perspective.
The truth is you don’t have to go to a religious house of prayer to converse with God. Those places exist for you to congregate, talk about God and commune with God’s people. Churches excel at organizing opportunities for you to be God’s hands and feet in fulfilling the purpose he assigned to you before he sent you to Earth. It’s important for you to understand that you can open a conversation with God at any time.
The Clock Maker determines the amount of time to give you to complete your mission. By now, you must realize that you’ve wasted too much time listening to demons!
Demon spotting
Demon Spotting is a game designed to identify patterns of behavior that allow you to see how a demon is operating in your life and in the lives of other people. It’s best, of course, to spot your own demons first.
Spot the pattern and reveal the demon.
Through a framework of code words, we help you analyze a situation in your life. When you FEEL STUCK in a place or a relationship, look for patterns of behavior. Once we have some clues, we look for ways to UNRAVEL THE MYSTERY of who, what, where, when and how the demons are working their dark magic in your mind.
Demons set traps that you fall into.
We help you escape the traps by analyzing the situation. Then we work with you to establish practices so that you don’t fall into the traps again.
Um, yes, you have to PRACTICE ESCAPING THE TRAPS over and over again. Most humans need practice stepping into — and out of traps — before they can recognize the trap early enough to avoid it altogether.
Listen! Those demons have been there your whole life! Your parents passed them on to you through the legal demands of generational curses. It’s your job, your mission, to escape and break the chains of the curse for yourself and your family (past, present, and future).
Rebellion requires a shift in perspective
The message of the Holy Rebellion is that you belong because God says you belong.
People say cruel things that cause you to detach from God. But the Clock Maker is your heavenly father, and he will never leave you or forsake you, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO. If you let us, we clear space in your mind, so you can hear messages from us.
We walk with you to keep you on the path to achieve your mission. Through your obedience to the Clock Maker’s instructions, your actions generate healing for yourself and others. Think family, friends, etc.
When you stop listening to demons, your emotional arsenal is strengthened. With your new tools and defenses — plus two angels in your corner — Holy Rebellion looks like staring a demon down without fear.
Read The 3 Rounds Explained next for more background on the world of Demon Spotting.
Photo Credit: Woman with 3 men plus duct tape
DramaGuru Academy is here to teach you how to navigate the situations in your life. Through Demon Spotting lessons, we reveal the patterns of any demon who is interfering with you and your loved ones. We show you how to stare those demons down as you advance confidently from the First Heaven, through the Second Heaven, towards the Third Kingdom of Heaven.