In the World of DramaGuru Revelation, humans are connected to 3 Heavens. Each Heaven has a different purpose.
Third Heaven: The Kingdom
The Kingdom: Where the Clock Maker (God), The Healer (Jesus) and The Helper (Holy Spirit) reign. This is the home you return to when you leave Earth. Because Satan will never regain his position in Heaven, his JEALOUSY DRIVES HIS MISSION TO RUIN YOUR CONNECTION with the Holy Trinity (God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit).
By interfering with your connection, Satan, the leader of the demon angels, BLOCKS YOU from bringing your Kingdom authority and power to Earth.
WITHOUT ACCESS to your Kingdom birthright, you cannot complete your mission because you will not receive your assignments.
Second Heaven: Hell
Satan’s Realm (HELL): Satan has permission from the Clock Maker to roam the Earth, competing with the Clock Maker’s army of Cornerman Angels. He has permission to INFLUENCE you and…to TEST you.
Every human has a mission to complete on Earth. Satan’s goal is to prevent you from receiving and achieving your God-given assignments. Your job is to FIGHT BACK!
First Heaven: Earth
Where humans live. In the Garden of Eden, Satan tempted Eve to eat the fruit of the Tree of Life. The Clock Maker warned Adam and Eve NOT to eat the fruit, but Satan cleverly convinced Eve that she wouldn’t die (interference!). Then, because she doubted God’s words, Eve convinced Adam to eat the apple.
From one act of disobedience, Adam gambled and lost the power to rule the Earth. And that is how Satan gained DOMINION OVER THE EARTH.
But you can, and you did, and now look what happened…introducing doubt to influence someone is an effective undermining tactic. In the Demon Spotting game, the code word for that is The Sneaky Millie Attack.
This colossal mistake caused Adam and Eve to live separately from God. No more walks in the Garden of Eden with their Heavenly Father, enjoying HIS LOVE, CONNECTION AND CONVERSATION.
In exchange, they were assigned to work the land, toil and struggle, and to grow old and die. Without access to the Kingdom, life became miserable with periodic moments of joy.
With no clear messages from the Kingdom, people did the best they could…until the Healer (Jesus) came to Earth, lived as a human, then died on the cross to take away the sins of the World. He was resurrected after three days in the tomb.
When the Healer left, the Helper arrived on Earth. Personified as LADY WISDOM, the Helper (aka Holy Spirit) works with the Cornerman Angel Team to thwart Satan’s plans.
Read The Holy Rebellion next for more background on the world of Demon Spotting.
Photo Credit:
- Orange Sky: by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash
- Red Path: by Jr Korpa on Unsplash
- DramaGuru in the rain (unknown)
DramaGuru Academy is here to teach you how to navigate the situations in your life. Through Demon Spotting lessons, we reveal the patterns of any demon who is interfering with you and your loved ones. We show you how to stare those demons down as you advance confidently from the First Heaven, through the Second Heaven, towards the Third Kingdom of Heaven.